Source code for plotchecker.barplot

import numpy as np

from .base import PlotChecker, InvalidPlotError

[docs]class BarPlotChecker(PlotChecker): """A plot checker for bar plots. Parameters ---------- axis : ``matplotlib.axes.Axes`` object A set of matplotlib axes (e.g. obtained through ``plt.gca()``) """ def __init__(self, axis): """Initialize the bar plot checker.""" super(BarPlotChecker, self).__init__(axis) self._patches = np.array(self.axis.patches) self._patches = self._patches[np.argsort([p.get_x() for p in self._patches])] if len(self._patches) == 0: raise InvalidPlotError("no data found") def _parse_expected_attr(self, attr_name, attr_val): """Ensure that the given expected attribute values are in the right shape.""" if attr_name in ('colors', 'edgecolors'): # if it's a color, first check if it's just a single color -- if it's # not a single color, this command will throw an error and we can try # iterating over the multiple colors that were given try: attr_val = np.array([self._color2rgb(attr_val)]) except (ValueError, TypeError): attr_val = np.array([self._color2rgb(x) for x in attr_val]) elif not hasattr(attr_val, '__iter__'): # if it's not a color, then just make sure we have an array attr_val = np.array([attr_val]) # tile the given values if we've only been given one, so it's the same # shape as the data if len(attr_val) == 1: attr_val = self._tile_or_trim(self.centers, attr_val) return attr_val
[docs] def assert_num_bars(self, num_bars): """Assert that the plot has the given number of bars. Parameters ---------- num_bars : int """ if num_bars != len(self._patches): raise AssertionError( "Plot has incorrect number of bars: {} (expected {})".format(
len(self._patches), num_bars)) @property def centers(self): """The centers of the plotted bars.""" return np.array([p.get_x() + (p.get_width() / 2) for p in self._patches])
[docs] def assert_centers_equal(self, centers): """Assert that the given centers are equivalent to the plotted :attr:`~plotchecker.BarPlotChecker.centers`. Parameters ---------- centers : 1-D array-like The expected centers. The number of elements should be equal to the (expected) number of plotted bars, or just a single value (which will then be applied to all bars). """ np.testing.assert_equal( self.centers,
self._parse_expected_attr("centers", centers))
[docs] def assert_centers_allclose(self, centers, **kwargs): """Assert that the given centers are almost equal to the plotted :attr:`~plotchecker.BarPlotChecker.centers`. Parameters ---------- centers : 1-D array-like The expected centers. The number of elements should be equal to the (expected) number of plotted bars, or just a single value (which will then be applied to all bars). kwargs : Additional keyword arguments to pass to ``numpy.testing.assert_allclose`` """ np.testing.assert_allclose( self.centers, self._parse_expected_attr("centers", centers),
**kwargs) @property def heights(self): """The heights of the plotted bars.""" return np.array([p.get_height() for p in self._patches])
[docs] def assert_heights_equal(self, heights): """Assert that the given heights are equivalent to the plotted :attr:`~plotchecker.BarPlotChecker.heights`. Parameters ---------- heights : 1-D array-like The expected heights. The number of elements should be equal to the (expected) number of plotted bars, or just a single value (which will then be applied to all bars). """ np.testing.assert_equal( self.heights,
self._parse_expected_attr("heights", heights))
[docs] def assert_heights_allclose(self, heights, **kwargs): """Assert that the given heights are almost equal to the plotted :attr:`~plotchecker.BarPlotChecker.heights`. Parameters ---------- heights : 1-D array-like The expected heights. The number of elements should be equal to the (expected) number of plotted bars, or just a single value (which will then be applied to all bars). kwargs : Additional keyword arguments to pass to ``numpy.testing.assert_allclose`` """ np.testing.assert_allclose( self.heights, self._parse_expected_attr("heights", heights),
**kwargs) @property def widths(self): """The widths of the plotted bars.""" return np.array([p.get_width() for p in self._patches])
[docs] def assert_widths_equal(self, widths): """Assert that the given widths are equivalent to the plotted :attr:`~plotchecker.BarPlotChecker.widths`. Parameters ---------- widths : 1-D array-like The expected widths. The number of elements should be equal to the (expected) number of plotted bars, or just a single value (which will then be applied to all bars). """ np.testing.assert_equal( self.widths,
self._parse_expected_attr("widths", widths))
[docs] def assert_widths_allclose(self, widths, **kwargs): """Assert that the given widths are almost equal to the plotted :attr:`~plotchecker.BarPlotChecker.widths`. Parameters ---------- widths : 1-D array-like The expected widths. The number of elements should be equal to the (expected) number of plotted bars, or just a single value (which will then be applied to all bars). kwargs : Additional keyword arguments to pass to ``numpy.testing.assert_allclose`` """ np.testing.assert_allclose( self.widths, self._parse_expected_attr("widths", widths),
**kwargs) @property def bottoms(self): """The y-coordinates of the bottoms of the plotted bars.""" return np.array([p.get_y() for p in self._patches])
[docs] def assert_bottoms_equal(self, bottoms): """Assert that the given bottoms are equivalent to the plotted :attr:`~plotchecker.BarPlotChecker.bottoms`. Parameters ---------- bottoms : 1-D array-like The expected bottoms. The number of elements should be equal to the (expected) number of plotted bars, or just a single value (which will then be applied to all bars). """ np.testing.assert_equal( self.bottoms,
self._parse_expected_attr("bottoms", bottoms))
[docs] def assert_bottoms_allclose(self, bottoms, **kwargs): """Assert that the given bottoms are almost equal to the plotted :attr:`~plotchecker.BarPlotChecker.bottoms`. Parameters ---------- bottoms : 1-D array-like The expected bottoms. The number of elements should be equal to the (expected) number of plotted bars, or just a single value (which will then be applied to all bars). kwargs : Additional keyword arguments to pass to ``numpy.testing.assert_allclose`` """ np.testing.assert_allclose( self.bottoms, self._parse_expected_attr("bottoms", bottoms),
**kwargs) @property def colors(self): """The colors of the plotted bars.""" return np.array([self._color2rgb(p.get_facecolor()) for p in self._patches])
[docs] def assert_colors_equal(self, colors): """Assert that the given colors are equivalent to the plotted :attr:`~plotchecker.BarPlotChecker.colors`. Parameters ---------- colors : single color, or list of expected colors Each color can be either a matplotlib color name (e.g. ``'r'`` or ``'red'``), a hexcode (e.g. ``"#FF0000"``), a 3-tuple RGB color, or a 4-tuple RGBA color. """ np.testing.assert_equal( self.colors,
self._parse_expected_attr("colors", colors))
[docs] def assert_colors_allclose(self, colors, **kwargs): """Assert that the given colors are almost equal to the plotted :attr:`~plotchecker.BarPlotChecker.colors`. Parameters ---------- colors : single color, or list of expected edge colors Each color can be either a matplotlib color name (e.g. ``'r'`` or ``'red'``), a hexcode (e.g. ``"#FF0000"``), a 3-tuple RGB color, or a 4-tuple RGBA color. kwargs : Additional keyword arguments to pass to ``numpy.testing.assert_allclose`` """ np.testing.assert_allclose( self.colors, self._parse_expected_attr("colors", colors),
**kwargs) @property def edgecolors(self): """The edge colors of the plotted bars.""" return np.array([self._color2rgb(p.get_edgecolor()) for p in self._patches])
[docs] def assert_edgecolors_equal(self, edgecolors): """Assert that the given edgecolors are equivalent to the plotted :attr:`~plotchecker.BarPlotChecker.edgecolors`. Parameters ---------- edgecolors : single color, or list of expected edge colors Each color can be either a matplotlib color name (e.g. ``'r'`` or ``'red'``), a hexcode (e.g. ``"#FF0000"``), a 3-tuple RGB color, or a 4-tuple RGBA color. """ np.testing.assert_equal( self.edgecolors,
self._parse_expected_attr("edgecolors", edgecolors))
[docs] def assert_edgecolors_allclose(self, edgecolors, **kwargs): """Assert that the given edgecolors are almost equal to the plotted :attr:`~plotchecker.BarPlotChecker.edgecolors`. Parameters ---------- edgecolors : single color, or list of expected edge colors Each color can be either a matplotlib color name (e.g. ``'r'`` or ``'red'``), a hexcode (e.g. ``"#FF0000"``), a 3-tuple RGB color, or a 4-tuple RGBA color. kwargs : Additional keyword arguments to pass to ``numpy.testing.assert_allclose`` """ np.testing.assert_allclose( self.edgecolors, self._parse_expected_attr("edgecolors", edgecolors),
**kwargs) @property def alphas(self): """The alpha values of the plotted bars.""" all_alphas = [] for p in self._patches: if p.get_alpha() is None: alpha = self._color2alpha(p.get_facecolor()) else: alpha = p.get_alpha() all_alphas.append(alpha) return np.array(all_alphas)
[docs] def assert_alphas_equal(self, alphas): """Assert that the given alphas are equivalent to the plotted :attr:`~plotchecker.BarPlotChecker.alphas`. Parameters ---------- alphas : 1-D array-like The expected alphas. The number of elements should be equal to the (expected) number of plotted bars, or just a single value (which will then be applied to all bars). """ np.testing.assert_equal( self.alphas,
self._parse_expected_attr("alphas", alphas))
[docs] def assert_alphas_allclose(self, alphas, **kwargs): """Assert that the given alphas are almost equal to the plotted :attr:`~plotchecker.BarPlotChecker.alphas`. Parameters ---------- alphas : 1-D array-like The expected alphas. The number of elements should be equal to the (expected) number of plotted bars, or just a single value (which will then be applied to all bars). kwargs : Additional keyword arguments to pass to ``numpy.testing.assert_allclose`` """ np.testing.assert_allclose( self.alphas, self._parse_expected_attr("alphas", alphas),
**kwargs) @property def linewidths(self): """The line widths of the plotted bars.""" return np.array([p.get_linewidth() for p in self._patches])
[docs] def assert_linewidths_equal(self, linewidths): """Assert that the given linewidths are equivalent to the plotted :attr:`~plotchecker.BarPlotChecker.linewidths`. Parameters ---------- linewidths : 1-D array-like The expected linewidths. The number of elements should be equal to the (expected) number of plotted bars, or just a single value (which will then be applied to all bars). """ np.testing.assert_equal( self.linewidths,
self._parse_expected_attr("linewidths", linewidths))
[docs] def assert_linewidths_allclose(self, linewidths, **kwargs): """Assert that the given linewidths are almost equal to the plotted :attr:`~plotchecker.BarPlotChecker.linewidths`. Parameters ---------- linewidths : 1-D array-like The expected linewidths. The number of elements should be equal to the (expected) number of plotted bars, or just a single value (which will then be applied to all bars). kwargs : Additional keyword arguments to pass to ``numpy.testing.assert_allclose`` """ np.testing.assert_allclose( self.linewidths, self._parse_expected_attr("linewidths", linewidths),