Source code for plotchecker.base

from __future__ import division

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.colors
import matplotlib.markers
import numpy as np
import six
import warnings

    _named_colors = matplotlib.colors.ColorConverter.colors.copy()
    for colorname, hexcode in matplotlib.colors.cnames.items():
        _named_colors[colorname] = matplotlib.colors.hex2color(hexcode)
    warnings.warn("Could not get matplotlib colors, named colors will not be available")
    _named_colors = {}

class InvalidPlotError(Exception):

[docs]class PlotChecker(object): """A generic object to test plots. Parameters ---------- axis : ``matplotlib.axes.Axes`` object A set of matplotlib axes (e.g. obtained through ``plt.gca()``) """ _named_colors = _named_colors def __init__(self, axis): """Initialize the PlotChecker object.""" self.axis = axis @classmethod def _color2rgb(cls, color): """Converts the given color to a 3-tuple RGB color. Parameters ---------- color : Either a matplotlib color name (e.g. ``'r'`` or ``'red'``), a hexcode (e.g. ``"#FF0000"``), a 3-tuple RGB color, or a 4-tuple RGBA color. Returns ------- rgb : 3-tuple RGB color """ if isinstance(color, six.string_types): if color in cls._named_colors: return tuple(cls._named_colors[color]) else: return tuple(matplotlib.colors.hex2color(color)) elif hasattr(color, '__iter__') and len(color) == 3: return tuple(color) elif hasattr(color, '__iter__') and len(color) == 4: return tuple(color[:3]) else: raise ValueError("Invalid color: {}".format(color)) @classmethod def _color2alpha(cls, color): """Converts the given color to an alpha value. For all cases except RGBA colors, this value will be 1.0. Parameters ---------- color : Either a matplotlib color name (e.g. ``'r'`` or ``'red'``), a hexcode (e.g. ``"#FF0000"``), a 3-tuple RGB color, or a 4-tuple RGBA color. Returns ------- alpha : float """ if isinstance(color, six.string_types): return 1.0 elif hasattr(color, '__iter__') and len(color) == 3: return 1.0 elif hasattr(color, '__iter__') and len(color) == 4: return float(color[3]) else: raise ValueError("Invalid color: {}".format(color)) @classmethod def _parse_marker(cls, marker): """Converts the given marker to a consistent marker type. In practice, this is basically just making sure all null markers (``''``, ``'None'``, ``None``) get converted to empty strings. Parameters ---------- marker : string The marker type Returns ------- marker : string """ if marker is None or marker == 'None': return '' return marker @classmethod def _tile_or_trim(cls, x, y): """Tiles or trims the first dimension of ``y`` so that ``x.shape[0]`` == ``y.shape[0]``. Parameters ---------- x : array-like A numpy array with any number of dimensions. y : array-like A numpy array with any number of dimensions. """ xn = x.shape[0] yn = y.shape[0] if xn > yn: numrep = np.ceil(xn / yn) y = np.tile(y, (numrep,) + (1,) * (y.ndim - 1)) yn = y.shape[0] if xn < yn: y = y[:xn] return y @property def title(self): """The title of the matplotlib plot, stripped of whitespace.""" return self.axis.get_title().strip()
[docs] def assert_title_equal(self, title): """Asserts that the given title is the same as the plotted :attr:`~plotchecker.PlotChecker.title`. Parameters ---------- title : string The expected title """ title = title.strip() if self.title != title: raise AssertionError( "title is incorrect: '{}'' (expected '{}')".format( self.title, title))
[docs] def assert_title_exists(self): """Asserts that the plotted :attr:`~plotchecker.PlotChecker.title` is non-empty. """ if self.title == '': raise AssertionError("no title")
@property def xlabel(self): """The xlabel of the matplotlib plot, stripped of whitespace.""" return self.axis.get_xlabel().strip()
[docs] def assert_xlabel_equal(self, xlabel): """Asserts that the given xlabel is the same as the plotted :attr:`~plotchecker.PlotChecker.xlabel`. Parameters ---------- xlabel : string The expected xlabel """ xlabel = xlabel.strip() if self.xlabel != xlabel: raise AssertionError( "xlabel is incorrect: '{}'' (expected '{}')".format( self.xlabel, xlabel))
[docs] def assert_xlabel_exists(self): """Asserts that the plotted :attr:`~plotchecker.PlotChecker.xlabel` is non-empty. """ if self.xlabel == '': raise AssertionError("no xlabel")
@property def ylabel(self): """The ylabel of the matplotlib plot, stripped of whitespace.""" return self.axis.get_ylabel().strip()
[docs] def assert_ylabel_equal(self, ylabel): """Asserts that the given ylabel is the same as the plotted :attr:`~plotchecker.PlotChecker.ylabel`. Parameters ---------- ylabel : string The expected ylabel """ ylabel = ylabel.strip() if self.ylabel != ylabel: raise AssertionError( "ylabel is incorrect: '{}'' (expected '{}')".format( self.ylabel, ylabel))
[docs] def assert_ylabel_exists(self): """Asserts that the plotted :attr:`~plotchecker.PlotChecker.ylabel` is non-empty. """ if self.ylabel == '': raise AssertionError("no ylabel")
@property def xlim(self): """The x-axis limits of the matplotlib plot.""" return self.axis.get_xlim()
[docs] def assert_xlim_equal(self, xlim): """Asserts that the given xlim is the same as the plot's :attr:`~plotchecker.PlotChecker.xlim`. Parameters ---------- xlim : 2-tuple The expected xlim """ if self.xlim != xlim: raise AssertionError( "xlim is incorrect: {} (expected {})".format( self.xlim, xlim))
@property def ylim(self): """The y-axis limits of the matplotlib plot.""" return self.axis.get_ylim()
[docs] def assert_ylim_equal(self, ylim): """Asserts that the given ylim is the same as the plot's :attr:`~plotchecker.PlotChecker.ylim`. Parameters ---------- ylim : 2-tuple The expected ylim """ if self.ylim != ylim: raise AssertionError( "ylim is incorrect: {} (expected {})".format( self.ylim, ylim))
@property def xticks(self): """The tick locations along the plot's x-axis.""" return self.axis.get_xticks()
[docs] def assert_xticks_equal(self, xticks): """Asserts that the given xticks are the same as the plot's :attr:`~plotchecker.PlotChecker.xticks`. Parameters ---------- xticks : list The expected tick locations on the x-axis """ np.testing.assert_equal(self.xticks, xticks)
@property def yticks(self): """The tick locations along the plot's y-axis.""" return self.axis.get_yticks()
[docs] def assert_yticks_equal(self, yticks): """Asserts that the given yticks are the same as the plot's :attr:`~plotchecker.PlotChecker.yticks`. Parameters ---------- yticks : list The expected tick locations on the y-axis """ np.testing.assert_equal(self.yticks, yticks)
@property def xticklabels(self): """The tick labels along the plot's x-axis, stripped of whitespace.""" return [x.get_text().strip() for x in self.axis.get_xticklabels()]
[docs] def assert_xticklabels_equal(self, xticklabels): """Asserts that the given xticklabels are the same as the plot's :attr:`~plotchecker.PlotChecker.xticklabels`. Parameters ---------- xticklabels : list The expected tick labels on the x-axis """ xticklabels = [x.strip() for x in xticklabels] np.testing.assert_equal(self.xticklabels, xticklabels)
@property def yticklabels(self): """The tick labels along the plot's y-axis, stripped of whitespace.""" return [x.get_text().strip() for x in self.axis.get_yticklabels()]
[docs] def assert_yticklabels_equal(self, yticklabels): """Asserts that the given yticklabels are the same as the plot's :attr:`~plotchecker.PlotChecker.yticklabels`. Parameters ---------- yticklabels : list The expected tick labels on the y-axis """ yticklabels = [y.strip() for y in yticklabels] np.testing.assert_equal(self.yticklabels, yticklabels)
@property def _texts(self): """All ``matplotlib.text.Text`` objects in the plot, excluding titles.""" texts = [] for x in self.axis.get_children(): if not isinstance(x, matplotlib.text.Text): continue if x == self.axis.title: continue if x == getattr(self.axis, '_left_title', None): continue if x == getattr(self.axis, '_right_title', None): continue texts.append(x) return texts @property def textlabels(self): """The labels of all ``matplotlib.text.Text`` objects in the plot, excluding titles.""" return [x.get_text().strip() for x in self._texts]
[docs] def assert_textlabels_equal(self, textlabels): """Asserts that the given textlabels are the same as the plot's :attr:`~plotchecker.PlotChecker.textlabels`. Parameters ---------- textlabels : list The expected text labels on the plot """ textlabels = [x.strip() for x in textlabels] np.testing.assert_equal(self.textlabels, textlabels)
@property def textpoints(self): """The locations of all ``matplotlib.text.Text`` objects in the plot, excluding titles.""" return np.vstack([x.get_position() for x in self._texts])
[docs] def assert_textpoints_equal(self, textpoints): """Asserts that the given locations of the text objects are the same as the plot's :attr:`~plotchecker.PlotChecker.textpoints`. Parameters ---------- textpoints : array-like, N-by-2 The expected text locations on the plot, where the first column corresponds to the x-values, and the second column corresponds to the y-values. """ np.testing.assert_equal(self.textpoints, textpoints)