Source code for plotchecker.lineplot

import numpy as np
import itertools

from .base import PlotChecker, InvalidPlotError

[docs]class LinePlotChecker(PlotChecker): """A plot checker for line plots. Parameters ---------- axis : ``matplotlib.axes.Axes`` object A set of matplotlib axes (e.g. obtained through ``plt.gca()``) """ def __init__(self, axis): """Initialize the line plot checker.""" super(LinePlotChecker, self).__init__(axis) self._lines = self.axis.get_lines() self._perm = list(range(len(self._lines))) # check that there are some lines plotted if len(self._lines) == 0: raise InvalidPlotError("No data found") def _assert_equal(self, attr, expected, actual, perm=None): """Helper method for asserting that attributes are equal. This should only really be called by other methods in this class. Because the plot may have multiple lines, we want to first check whether the number of expected attributes is the same as the actual number of expected attributes. Then, assuming they are, we go check the equality of the attribute for each line separately. That way we can give a useful error message to users about which line, specifically, doesn't match. Parameters ---------- attr : string The name of the attribute expected : The expected value of the attribute actual : The actual value of the attribute perm : list of integers (default: ``None``) The permutation between the expected lines and actual lines. If not given, then ``self._perm`` is used. """ # first check that the number of attributes matches if len(expected) != len(actual): raise AssertionError( "Invalid length for attribute '{}': {} (expected {})".format( attr, len(actual), len(expected))) # figure out the value of the permutation if perm is None: perm = self._perm # check each line separately for i in range(len(expected)): try: np.testing.assert_equal(actual[i], expected[perm[i]]) except AssertionError: raise AssertionError( "Attribute '{}' does not match for line {} (expected: {}, actual: {})".format( attr, i, expected[perm[i]], actual[i]))
[docs] def find_permutation(self, attr_name, attr_vals): """Find the order of the lines such that the given attribute (given by ``attr_name`` and ``attr_vals``) has values in the same order as those that were plotted. This function is useful if you are not sure what order the lines were plotted in. If, for example, you know there should be one red line, one blue line, and one green line---but not the order---you can use this method with ``'color'`` as the attribute name and ``['red', 'green', 'blue']`` as the attribute values. Then, any subsequent assertions will use the permutation found by this function. Parameters ---------- attr_name : string The name of the attribute to use for finding the permutation. attr_vals : The expected values of the attribute Examples -------- Let's say the instructions are to create three lines: one red line with data ``xr`` and ``yr``; one blue line with data ``xb`` and ``yb``, and one green line with data ``xg`` and ``yg``. Here is one way that plot might be created: .. code:: python fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(xg, yg, 'g-') ax.plot(xb, yb, 'b-') ax.plot(xr, yr, 'r-') However, the lines could have been plotted in any order. So, for example, the following would fail, because it assumes the order is 'red', 'green', and 'blue': .. code:: python pc = LinePlotChecker(ax) pc.assert_x_data_equal([xr, xg, xb]) # fails To avoid having to check every permutation, you can use this ``find_permutation`` method to do it for you: .. code:: python pc = LinePlotChecker(ax) pc.find_permutation('color', ['r', 'g', 'b']) pc.assert_x_data_equal([xr, xg, xb]) # passes """ # if the attribute is one of the color attributes, we need to make sure # to properly parse the values into RGB tuples if attr_name in ('colors', 'markerfacecolors', 'markeredgecolors'): expected = np.array([self._color2rgb(i) for i in attr_vals]) else: expected = attr_vals # get the actual value of the attribute actual = getattr(self, attr_name) # check that the length matches if len(expected) != len(actual): raise AssertionError( "Invalid length for attribute '{}': {} (expected {})".format( attr_name, len(actual), len(expected))) # look through all the permutations of the expected values, and try to # match them with the actual values. If a permutation is found where # the values match, then set that as the permutation for the class. If # no permutation is found, then raise an error. for perm in itertools.permutations(np.arange(len(expected))): try: self._assert_equal(attr_name, expected, actual, perm=perm) except AssertionError: pass else: self._perm = perm return raise AssertionError( "Could not match plotted values {} to expected values {} for attr '{}'".format( actual, expected, attr_name))
[docs] def assert_num_lines(self, num_lines): """Assert that the plot has the given number of lines. Parameters ---------- num_lines : int """ if num_lines != len(self._lines): raise AssertionError( "Plot has incorrect number of lines: {} (expected {})".format( len(self._lines), num_lines))
@property def x_data(self): """The x-values of the plotted data (list of arrays, one array per line).""" return [x.get_xydata()[:, 0] for x in self._lines]
[docs] def assert_x_data_equal(self, x_data): """Assert that the given x-data is equivalent to the plotted :attr:`~plotchecker.LinePlotChecker.x_data`. Parameters ---------- x_data : list of array-like The expected x-data. The number of elements should be equal to the (expected) number of plotted lines. """ self._assert_equal("x_data", x_data, self.x_data)
@property def y_data(self): """The y-values of the plotted data (list of arrays, one array per line).""" return [x.get_xydata()[:, 1] for x in self._lines]
[docs] def assert_y_data_equal(self, y_data): """Assert that the given y-data is equivalent to the plotted :attr:`~plotchecker.LinePlotChecker.y_data`. Parameters ---------- y_data : list of array-like The expected y-data. The number of elements should be equal to the (expected) number of plotted lines. """ self._assert_equal("y_data", y_data, self.y_data)
@property def colors(self): """The colors of the plotted lines. Each color is a RGB 3-tuple.""" return np.array([self._color2rgb(x.get_color()) for x in self._lines])
[docs] def assert_colors_equal(self, colors): """Assert that the given colors are equivalent to the plotted :attr:`~plotchecker.LinePlotChecker.colors`. Parameters ---------- colors : list of expected line colors Each color can be either a matplotlib color name (e.g. ``'r'`` or ``'red'``), a hexcode (e.g. ``"#FF0000"``), a 3-tuple RGB color, or a 4-tuple RGBA color. """ colors = np.array([self._color2rgb(x) for x in colors]) self._assert_equal("colors", colors, self.colors)
@property def alphas(self): """The alpha values of the plotted lines.""" all_alphas = [] for x in self._lines: if x.get_alpha() is None: all_alphas.append(self._color2alpha(x.get_color())) else: all_alphas.append(x.get_alpha()) return all_alphas
[docs] def assert_alphas_equal(self, alphas): """Assert that the given alpha values are equivalent to the plotted :attr:`~plotchecker.LinePlotChecker.alphas`. Parameters ---------- alphas : list of floats The expected alpha values, with length equal to the (expected) number of plotted lines. """ self._assert_equal("alphas", alphas, self.alphas)
@property def linewidths(self): """The line widths of the plotted lines.""" return [x.get_linewidth() for x in self._lines]
[docs] def assert_linewidths_equal(self, linewidths): """Assert that the given line widths are equivalent to the plotted :attr:`~plotchecker.LinePlotChecker.linewidths`. Parameters ---------- linewidths : list of numbers The expected linewidths, with length equal to the (expected) number of plotted lines. """ self._assert_equal("linewidths", linewidths, self.linewidths)
@property def markerfacecolors(self): """The colors of the marker faces for the plotted lines.""" return [self._color2rgb(x.get_markerfacecolor()) for x in self._lines]
[docs] def assert_markerfacecolors_equal(self, markerfacecolors): """Assert that the given marker face colors are equivalent to the plotted :attr:`~plotchecker.LinePlotChecker.markerfacecolors`. Parameters ---------- markerfacecolors : list of expected marker face colors Each color can be either a matplotlib color name (e.g. ``'r'`` or ``'red'``), a hexcode (e.g. ``"#FF0000"``), a 3-tuple RGB color, or a 4-tuple RGBA color. """ markerfacecolors = np.array([self._color2rgb(x) for x in markerfacecolors]) self._assert_equal("markerfacecolors", markerfacecolors, self.markerfacecolors)
@property def markeredgecolors(self): """The colors of the marker edges for the plotted lines.""" return [self._color2rgb(x.get_markeredgecolor()) for x in self._lines]
[docs] def assert_markeredgecolors_equal(self, markeredgecolors): """Assert that the given marker edge colors are equivalent to the plotted :attr:`~plotchecker.LinePlotChecker.markeredgecolors`. Parameters ---------- markeredgecolors : list of expected marker edge colors Each color can be either a matplotlib color name (e.g. ``'r'`` or ``'red'``), a hexcode (e.g. ``"#FF0000"``), a 3-tuple RGB color, or a 4-tuple RGBA color. """ markeredgecolors = np.array([self._color2rgb(x) for x in markeredgecolors]) self._assert_equal("markeredgecolors", markeredgecolors, self.markeredgecolors)
@property def markeredgewidths(self): """The widths of the marker edges for the plotted lines.""" return [x.get_markeredgewidth() for x in self._lines]
[docs] def assert_markeredgewidths_equal(self, markeredgewidths): """Assert that the given marker edge widths are equivalent to the plotted :attr:`~plotchecker.LinePlotChecker.markeredgewidths`. Parameters ---------- markeredgewidths : list of expected marker edge widths The expected edge widths, with length equal to the (expected) number of plotted lines. """ self._assert_equal("markeredgewidths", markeredgewidths, self.markeredgewidths)
@property def markersizes(self): """The marker sizes for the plotted lines.""" return [x.get_markersize() for x in self._lines]
[docs] def assert_markersizes_equal(self, markersizes): """Assert that the given marker sizes are equivalent to the plotted :attr:`~plotchecker.LinePlotChecker.markersizes`. Parameters ---------- markersizes : list of expected marker sizes The expected marker sizes, with length equal to the (expected) number of plotted lines. """ self._assert_equal("markersizes", markersizes, self.markersizes)
@property def markers(self): """The marker types for the plotted lines.""" return [self._parse_marker(x.get_marker()) for x in self._lines]
[docs] def assert_markers_equal(self, markers): """Assert that the given markers are equivalent to the plotted :attr:`~plotchecker.LinePlotChecker.markers`. Parameters ---------- markers : list of strings The expected markers, with length equal to the (expected) number of plotted lines. """ markers = [self._parse_marker(x) for x in markers] self._assert_equal("markers", markers, self.markers)
@property def labels(self): """The legend labels of the plotted lines.""" legend = self.axis.get_legend() if legend is None: return [] return [x.get_text() for x in legend.texts]
[docs] def assert_labels_equal(self, labels): """Assert that the given legend labels are equivalent to the plotted :attr:`~plotchecker.LinePlotChecker.labels`. Parameters ---------- labels : list of strings The expected legend labels, with length equal to the (expected) number of plotted lines. """ self._assert_equal("labels", labels, self.labels)